Tompkins Park Senior Center Black History Month Celebration

Tompkins Park Senior Center held a Black History Month Celebration.

Rosetta Gaston Senior Center Black History Month Celebration

Rosetta Gatson Senior Center held a Black History Month Celebration.

Lunch at Tilden Senior Center

Tompkins Park Valentines Day Cards

Tompkins Park Senior Center held a Valentines Day Card event with Brooklyn Public Library.

Tilden Computer Class

Tilden Senior Center held a computer class for seniors, conducted by OATS.

Tompkins Park Chinese New Year

Tompkins Park Senior Center Celebrated Chinese New Year with a party. Here are some of the photos.

Tompkins Park Christmas Party

Tompkins Park Celebrated Christmas. Here are some photos and videos from the event.

Tompkins Park New Years Party

Tompkins Park Senior Center held a New Years Party.

Tompkins Park Winter Give Away

Tompkins Park Senior Center held a Winter Give Away.

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